Carolyn Curtis is the author or collaborator of seven books. Her most recent is Women and C.S. Lewis: What his life and literature reveal for today’s culture, published in 2015 by Lion Hudson plc of Oxford, England. She is a veteran journalist with awards from The Wall Street Journal, the Evangelical Press Association, Society of Professional Journalists, etc. She has been published in On Mission, Christianity Today, Facts & Trends, By Faith, Sports Illustrated, The Saturday Evening Post, and numerous other publications. She has worked in communications management for Fortune 50 companies and at domestic corporate headquarters for two major church denominations. She has reported from daily newsrooms and from Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. She has taught journalism at a college and been a speaker at numerous conferences. She holds a Bachelor of Journalism degree from The University of Texas at Austin and a Master of Arts degree in communication from Stephen F. Austin State University. She lives in Fort Worth, Texas.