“A fine survey of the many aspects of this perennially interesting topic; any book that brings together the voices of Don W. King, Crystal L. Downing, Andrew Lazo, and Malcolm Guite is worth the read. I find myself with an even deeper appreciation for the roles Dorothy L. Sayers and Joy Davidman played in Lewis’ life and their influence on him as a writer and thinker.”
Janet Brennan Croft Editor of Mythlore: A Journal of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams, and Mythopoeic Literature. Rutgers University, New Jersey
"A remarkably fine tribute to C.S. Lewis."
Walter Hooper literary advisor to the C.S. Lewis Estate, United Kingdom
"Thanks! Someone needed to write this book."
Eric Metaxas New York Times best-selling author of Miracles, Bonhoeffer, 7 Men, and others
"Thought-provoking from the very first page, this collection brings together a wide variety of perspectives on a single, significant question: Was Lewis sexist? It’s a lively conversation, and there’s plenty to enjoy."
Dr. Diana Pavlac Glyer Professor of English, Azusa Pacific University, California; author of Bandersnatch: C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and the Creative Collaboration of the Inklings; The Company They Keep
“This balanced, irenic collection takes up a vital issue in the study of C.S. Lewis; lovers of Lewis will want to join the conversation.”
Louis Markos, PhD Professor in English and Scholar in Residence, Houston Baptist University, Texas; author of Restoring Beauty: The Good, the True, and the Beautiful in the Writings of C.S. Lewis
"Excellent for both fans of Lewis and for scholars. Rich in truth and wisdom for the twenty-first century. A most welcome contribution to closure on the vital question of Lewis’ views on gender."
Dr. J. Stanley Mattson Founder and President, The C.S. Lewis Foundation, Redlands, California
“This book brings new light, thought, and perception to the subject of women in C.S. Lewis’ life and writings. These essays are full of shared wisdom and cogent argument that will challenge your perceptions of Lewis and his world.”
Brian Sibley writer and broadcaster known for his highly acclaimed BBC serializations of The Chronicles of Narnia and The Lord of the Rings
“In reading Women and C.S. Lewis we are invited to be part of an important conversation. Attitudes and resulting actions towards others matter greatly, and this is certainly no less so, when they are informed by understanding based on gender. In this book, we find a variety of voices ‘pursuing truth in the company of friends’ as they thoughtfully reflect upon Lewis’ response to women in both his life and in his writings. Not all contributors in this volume agree, but all take seriously the significance of the issue of gender, and we should as well. Women and C.S. Lewis is a very good place to begin to deepen our understanding, and to help us frame our own considered questions.”
Marjorie Lamp Mead Interim Director, Marion E. Wade Center, Wheaton College, Illinois

“Written for laypeople and academics alike, this collection of essays would likely have pleased Lewis himself. Rather than respond to the charge that Lewis was sexist by merely assigning its own pejorative label to those responsible for the accusation, which occurs all too frequently in what passes for intellectual exchange these days, it rejects mere shibboleth for honest engagement with the issues themselves, drawing on a diverse array of authors who consider the evidence from both Lewis’ writings and life. Curtis and Key are to be commended for this valuable contribution to a crucial discussion.”
Dr. Stephen Dunning Associate Professor of English, Trinity Western University, Langley, British Columbia; author of The Crisis and the Quest: A Kierkegaardian Reading of Charles Williams; co-founder and co-director of the Inklings Institute of Canada, housed at TWU
“Curtis and Key have assembled wonderfully varied voices yielding high scholarship that is yet readily accessible to address the question of C.S Lewis’ attitude toward women. Does misogyny exist in Lewis’ writings, or in the eye of the beholder? No contributor to this fine volume shies away from that question. What an engaging, delightful read!”
D. Joy Riley, MD, MA (Bioethics) Executive Director of The Tennessee Center for Bioethics & Culture. Co-author (with C. Ben Mitchell) of Christian Bioethics: A Guide for Pastors, Health Care Professionals, and Families (B&H Academic, 2014)
“In this work you will find a thorough and honest exploration into the role of women in the life of C.S. Lewis. Its great strength is found in the diversity, depth, and breadth of perspectives, the range of which offers valuable insight into the nuances of his writing and his growth as a person. Given the frequent criticism directed toward Lewis in regard to women, this book is a much-needed voice and essential resource: an excellent read.”
Lisa Coutras author of the forthcoming Tolkien’s Theology of Beauty; PhD Candidate, Kings College London
“I am indeed very supportive of Women and C.S. Lewis, a worthwhile contribution that a wide range of readers will enjoy and find most helpful.”
Mark A. Pike, BA (Hons), PGCE, MA (Ed), PhD Professor of Education and Head of the School of Education, University of Leeds, England. Author of C.S. Lewis as Teacher for our Time (Lutterworth Press, Cambridge, 2013)
“Controversy about the women in Jack’s life and literature has often left a cloud of controversy over his life and writings. Finally, here is a book that properly places Lewis in his socio-cultural setting for a thorough and positive examination of nearly every aspect in which women touched his life – from created literary characters, professional acquaintances, familial relationships, literary references, to the deep marital love that so blessed his life with Joy. This collective work of prominent Lewis scholars is an extraordinary and vital read for any Lewis enthusiast.”
Deborah Higgens, PhD former Director of the C.S. Lewis Study Centre Oxford; Professor of Medieval Literature, La Sierra University, California; author of Anglo-Saxon Community in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings
“What a great read! Women and C.S. Lewis takes readers on a carefully curated journey through his life and literature. Nimble editing by Curtis and Key weaves together a tapestry of voices that clearly depicts Lewis’ high regard and respect for women, refuting critics who try to discredit Lewis because of his effectiveness in explaining the life of Christian faith.”
Carol Pipes Editor of Facts & Trends magazine, LifeWay, Nashville
“This collection of voices makes the point so solidly – that C.S. Lewis was emphatically not a woman-hater but ahead of his time in his attitudes toward them – with such variety of experience, eloquence of expression, and annotated proof, that I felt a sadness at turning the last page. Like saying goodbye to a motley collection of old friends after a long anticipated, stimulating, memory-making reunion and wondering if we would ever again gather in the same way.”
Connie Cavanaugh Lewis admirer, speaker, author. Hear her speak and see her books at www.conniecavanaugh.com. Alberta, Canada
“It’s about time! Many seem to think C.S. Lewis was a misogynist, who lived in a stuffy, male dominated, academic world, and we finally have a book that addresses this. The matter is far more complex than some have charged. The judgments against Lewis are generally made by people who have not read him deeply and certainly not for any great length of time. Curtis and Key have put together a cadre of some of the best Lewis thinkers who know the material and can write authoritatively on the matter. The judgments in this book are fair-minded, nuanced, and have no ax to grind. The editors simply desire to set the record straight, and, it’s about time.”
Jerry Root, PhD Wheaton College, Illinois, co-editor (with Wayne Martindale) of The Quotable C.S. Lewis and co-author (with Mark Neal) of The Surprising Imagination of C.S. Lewis
“The stellar cast of thinkers assembled for this unique anthology delivers an astonishing array of insightful essays written with erudition and nuance. This is a substantial, original work of great merit; the editors, Curtis and Key, are to be commended for their inclusion of multiple viewpoints that grapple with Lewis’ stated beliefs, rendering them with clarity and diligence.”
Dr. Bruce L. Edwards Professor Emeritus, English and Africana Studies, Bowling Green State University (Ohio); Editor of C.S. Lewis: Life, Works, Legacy; Online Editor of The C.S. Lewis Review, www.cslewisreview.org. Willow, Alaska
“Are you a woman who loves to think and create? You will find in these pages a brilliant scholar who honors your depth and complexity, who engages women like you in his personal correspondence and writes women of reason and imagination into his strong, winsome, female characters. Are you a man who wants to encourage women? You will learn from a man who not only engages women but learns from them. The book offers depth of scholarship and breadth of analysis of Lewis’ life and writings – all in an accessible style that will change the way you think about thinking women.”
Lael Arrington author of Faith and Culture: The Guide to a Culture Shaped by Faith (Zondervan, 2011). Columbia, South Carolina
“In Women and C.S. Lewis we do not meet ‘Jack’ Lewis the Feminist – there are no attempts to smooth over beliefs unacceptable today. Who we do meet is a Lewis who lived, corresponded, and collaborated with women, valuing, edifying, and enjoying their company. A remarkable melding of quick pace and ample information.”
Dr. Charlie W. Starr Professor, English and Humanities, and Program Chair, Humanities, Kentucky Christian University; author of Light: C.S. Lewis’ First and Final Short Story
“How refreshing and encouraging to be reminded that Lewis’ fictional heroines were brave, feisty, and thoughtful. I love that they could be anything their male counterparts could be, both good or bad.”
Gayle Roper award-winning, Pennsylvania-based novelist of a wide range of fiction from Allah’s Fire to Lost and Found
“I am convinced that C.S. Lewis well understood women because he took seriously the theology that before God we are all feminine.”
Dr. Paul F. Ford author of Companion to Narnia; Professor of Theology and Liturgy, St. John Seminary, Camarillo, California